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Historically all RCCIP activities have been held in-person.  With the pandemic we have developed systems to adapt the RCCIP process so it can be done in-person, virtually or a combination of both. Decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis by the core team lead and First Children’s Finance staff depending upon regulations and the current situation with the pandemic.

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October 25, 2019

October, 2019 – Beginning in the fall of 2019 and continuing for up to 24 months, 5 rural Minnesota communities with a high need for additional child care programs will utilize the Rural Child Care Innovation Program (RCCIP).  These communities were chosen from a competitive field of applicants and will take a deep dive into the specific challenges of child care in their local area. First Children’s Finance (FCF) has created the Rural Child Care Innovation Program using community engagement through the lens of economic development to ascertain right-sized solutions that provide sustainable, high quality early care and education for our youngest Minnesotans.

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