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Chippewa County 
Community Information

About Chippewa County

Chippewa County has a total population of 36,816 and is 2,698 square miles located in the eastern Upper Peninsula of Michigan and is one of the largest counties in Michigan sharing a border with Canada.  Located in Sault Ste. Marie, the Soo Locks join Lake Huron and Lake Superior and are essential to the transportation of resources and goods between the Great Lakes and other regions throughout the world. Over 95% of the United States’ iron ore move through the Soo Locks annually.

Child care is a critical component to the economic development of the Chippewa County community. As of March 2023, Chippewa County is experiencing a shortage of approximately 937 child care slots. A child care shortage of this size has a significant impact on the families, and the local economy. Through the Rural Child Care Innovation Program, the community is working towards creating sustainable solutions that increase the supply of affordable and high-quality child care.

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