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Community Information

About Becker County

Becker County is located in West Central Minnesota, and has a population of approximately 34,100 people. The population of Becker County is primarily Caucasian, but does have a 7.8% American Indian population and 3.4% of the population consists of two or more races. The population is steadily increasing at 4.9% per annum since 2010.  


Becker County is one of the poorest counties in Minnesota. The median income is $54,115, below the state average with 1/3 of the county averaging less than $38,000. The poverty rate for youth is 3% higher than the state average, placing more children in Becker County at risk.  


Child care, an important economic development factor, is becoming increasigly elusive instead of being readily avaialble in the community. It is estimated that there is a shortage of approximately 551 child care slots, with a need for 45% growth to meet the demand for child care. Through the Rural Child Care Innovation Program, the community is working towards creating sustainable solutions that increase the supply of affordable and high quality child care. 


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